Thursday, 12 April 2012

Just one of THOSE days.....

Today, was just one of those days. You know nothing wanted to go right. My motivation levels are at a bit of a low atm and really I can only put it down to the minimal sleep that I am getting. Miss A has decided that she wants to rule the rules and it seems to be working. This will all change, once she isn't get the extra attention from the in-laws who are visiting us at the moment from Pakistan. I will show her who is boss (I hope!)..

So motivation levels are down, everything seem to bother me and then I hear of an article that my FIL had read.. A boy decided to take his own life as he came from a family who was unable to supply him with a uniform. Can you believe it? A UNIFORM!! This family who were struggling to meet their daily needs were unable to provide this child with a uniform for the school he was attending. I will add that the school accepted this child without having to pay any tuition fees as they understood the family situation - there are still some generous people out there. I can not for the life of me get this out of my head. A child (11 years of age) did not want to live anymore as he was unable to be provided with a uniform and thought this death is better for him - may Allah have mercy on him. Let's be real, these days there are children who fight with us as parents to not wear their  uniform. They think uniform is uncool and daggy and will do anything not to wear it. This child just wanted a uniform! He wasn't interested in the latest DS game or an iPad - just wanted a measly uniform!! I feel so humbled by this experience. It really hit me hard.. How we take things for granted? Why do I insist that my son & daughter have to have matching shoes for their outfits? I have forgotten about the less fortunate and become so caught up in my own little world.. Time for this to change. I want to install in my children the importance of appreciating what we have and how to help others who are less fortunate. This has further motivated me to set up an organisation to further help those in need. It is hard to determine those who would fit in the 'poor' category in Australia as we have a solid government to assist but I will work on ways to make lives easier - I hope. Does anyone know of an area that requires attention? Perhaps even holiday activities for those who are unable to afford extravagance..? Let me know if there is something that you feel our communities are missing!!

School holidays are here, so no real structure happening at the moment. We are playing everything by ear and its getting quite frustrating for me. I long for routine, I will get it again, I WILL!

Time for me to sign out and catch up on some of shows that I seem to miss out on lately. Thank goodness for Fox IQ - keeps me a little sane..

PS: Little Miss tried pumpkin today for the first time - she loved it. Least it is one win for the day!

Sweet dreams

1 comment:

  1. how sad for that little boy and his family... I can't comprehend how life could be that bad at 11 to do that?

    aint nothing wrong with matching shoes though LOL
