Saturday, 21 April 2012

Family Ties....

Can I just start off by saying how honoured I feel?! When I first started this blog I didn't expect many people to be interested, it was more of my need for stimulation, however how different it is turned out. I can't  believe the interest I have had. I truly love the messages and posts asking for more.. I mean, all this attention isn't to good for my ego but hey I promise I won't allow it to change who I am! I mentioned to my husband the requests I have had for my blog and told him he has to step it up if he wants to continue to roll with the 'cool peeps'! Seriously though, thank you for following my blog x.

As you can see by the title of this blog, this is all about family... Why you ask? Well as you know, my husbands parents are visiting from Pakistan at the moment and for the past 2 months our house has been full on. Don't get me wrong, it has been an absolutely blast having them stay with us it's just that life has been full on. You know, you take advantage of the fact that you have family at arms reach. I have learnt this more so over the past couple of days. Due to issues with their tickets, unfortunately the inlaws are unable to extend their stay as they first thought they could. They will be flying out on Tuesday (God willing). When they told me of the news, I was really gutted. More for my husband than for me. I mean, my parents are around the corner. I can pop in and see them whenever I can where he will have to travel over 18 hours to say g'day. Not to mention this may only happen once or twice a year if he is super lucky. As I watch him interact with this parents tonight, my heart breaks more. I let the tear roll now and then. How important our are parents? You know, in my religion (Islam for those who aren't aware) there is a huge emphasis on the parents. The rewards you receive for looking after them, caring for them & not having them disappointed in you. By my inlaws visiting, I think my husband has really drawn some strength. He seems more confident in his actions, his persona and not to mention he finally nailed that medical exam! I am really sad for him! Some might think it is the decision he made to live away from his homeland once he fell in love with me (I mean, lets be frank - who wouldn't :)) but it doesn't make it any easier the fact that it could be 12 months before he can see his parents face to face. Tuesday will be tough on us, a few tears will be shed but I know we will get through it..

I am truly grateful for having my family so near. I am blessed to have wonderful parents, cool brothers & an extraordinary sister. Not to mention their off springs. An awesome family we have. As crazy as we all are, we all come together nicely. Whatever Allah has installed for us (positive and negative) we tackled it head first. Currently my father is undergoing treatment to smack this ridiculous cancer in his bowel on the head. It is a struggle for such an older man to undergo such treatment. He is a battler though, he won't give up easily! It just makes you realise how much more we should value our time together. On the 25th May, it will mark my brothers 6 year anniversary since his death. He is forever in my thoughts and trust that he is now with Allah and very much at ease. My brother & I had a cool kinda relationship, we got on beautifully. There are times that I wish I did more for him, but deep down he knew how much I love him. Can't wait for the day we meet again.

Today I watched Ms A drool over her brother. It seems she is in awe of him. Her face lights up when she sees him. He is the only one that can make her laugh out loud by just saying 'peak a boo!' He too is fascinated (sometimes an annoying fascination). He tells me that she loves him and vice versa because he use to speak to her in my stomach. They have this connection at such a young age. I truly hope this continues and they stay as strong as ever throughout their life - as a parent that would be my ultimate dream.

I am a little in touch with my emotions tonight. I have made a commitment to myself not to take advantage of those that others crave. I will make the extra effort with my family; parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins and my gorgeous friends which are an extended part of my family. I'll even go out and make sure the family ties with my husbands family are as strong as they need to be. Please, I ask you all do the same...

Love for you all!!


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