Friday, 13 April 2012

Another date for the diary.....

Thank Allah, today was such a different day to yesterday!! Yes I am still tired, sleep deprived and out of routine but today - who cares!!! Today is the day that God willing is going to make a change moving forward for our family. My wonderful husband who is a fully qualified doctor in Pakistan received news that he has passed his exam to be able to practice here in Australia. Yep, you read right - finally Dr Khan will be able to practice in Oz.. Oh the cheer enjoyment. This means a few things to us.... Security, assurance, flexibility but most importantly it will bring satisfaction. My husband has a passion of helping people and here is his chance to fulfil his passion. Don't get me wrong, taxi driving earnt him some dollars here and there but I am certain he won't be sad to wave goodbye. Not too soon tho, he still has a few more months before he will be fully registered so.........  taxi anyone? :) I am so proud that I have begun organising a big bash for him. Ohhhhh excitement!

Little Miss A still is ruling the world. I was able to get in a few bites to eat with dear friends today but literally that was what it was - a few bites. It is so cool to hang with people that are real and tell it how it is... Motherhood is challenging and I love how we keep it real. Iggle Piggle (The Night Garden) became a new hit in our car today... Thanks to the CD from Aunty E - we fell asleep on the way home without the non stop screaming. Oh its something that will be kept in the car 24/7. Not sure how Mr M is going to handle that, should be fine.

Other than the wonderful news we received today, no mental stimulation took place. It will happen, I mean it has to happen right? I worked in a telco company for 13 years mainly with mobiles and today was asked to download something in iTunes and I was like.... huh? How do I do that? Can you believe it...? Brain is totally out of order!!

Tomorrow is that first soccer game I have been longing for.. If you hear of any arrests in the hood for a psyco mother on the soccer field - don't be surprised if it's me..

Time to sign out... take it easy and as Iggle would say .... ummmm, I can't quote it cause I was to busy enjoying the peace!


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