OK, so it's not even 8:00am and I am totally done!! Not done in finishing my chores but done (over it all!). Miss A has been awake since 4.30am and has chosen not to abide by anything I implement. Jumperoo equals loud squeals, bouncer equals non stop screaming whilst the baby swing equals nothing but chaos!! Nothing seems to be working! She has been fed, changed, soothed, loved..... She just wants to sit happily on my lap! She is that tired that her eyes have become half the size yet she refuses to sleep.
Then we have Mr M who decided he is going to wake up with a bit of 'tude this morning, I mean why not.... join the club! Refusing to listen, fakes a cry to trigger his sister, won't leave her alone and the 'you don't love me' lines have come out this morning.
Do you know how much I need to do today? I have loads and loads of washing, vacuuming and mopping and preparing food for Miss A. Thank God for online shopping - eased the stress of one chore.
Perhaps our family is adapting to the change of inlaws no longer staying with us. I mean, it has put me off a little and feeling lost so perhaps it has had an impact on the children? Or maybe there's a full moon lurching? Husband got home from work at 4am so no chance I can even get him to help with the commotion.. Maybe I will just load them in the car and drive around and forget what needs to be done? Either way, it's days like today I truly miss the office!!
Hope y'all have a better start to the day than I have!!
Been there, done that 100000 times.... hang in there! Fingers crossed Miss A has a big sleep when she finally does crash. As for Mr tude, send him outside with a bucket and spade and tell him to come back when it gets dark.