Thursday, 6 September 2012

Reality.... STINKS!

Salam, Aloha, How you doing?!

It has been a very long time since I have been here and I have been thinking about blogging for the past few days. The thought of being able to blog was giving me some relief, I mean so much has happened in the months that have passed that I think my soul really needs this....

It has been almost 1 year since I have left the work place and I honestly don't think that so much could happen in life. I mean, maybe I was a little caught up in the 'working' field that didn't have much time to focus on the real world but sheesh.... What a place it is! Reality isn't always pleasant but I suppose we don't have much of a choice other than to solider on.

Before a calamity hits a person, you always think there is no way that I could be able to handle that. Death, illness, mishap... You just think ohhh that poor person how could they handle this? In a naive kind of way you think that stuff happens to other families, Allah give them strength, but REALITY is.... No one is safe!

Almost 6 years ago, we lost our brother Mohamad. Whoever thought that I could be so strong to talk about it now. He was a beautiful soul. Never harmed anyone, helped where he could, had a wacky sense of humour (well being an Abdallah & all) and was just a pretty special lad. We knew that Allah wanted him back. Who thought we as a family we could overcome this? We, us, ME could handle a death in the family? Thinking about it gives me a bit of anxiety but look.. It has happened. We are still here years on, different roles, marriages, houses, jobs... But still here. Life doesn't stop supposedly but I know that the heart is never the same. 

After his death, much change took place in our family. There were divorces, marriages, new additions, dramas, excitement... I think his death gave us strength that we aren't here for a long time (as death has no age) and to ensure we did what was right for ourselves.... I would have never thought of it at the time but now I can reflect and believe through this tragedy was some positiveness! I know Allah knows best & he we aren't given a calamity we can't handle so we work with what we have!

The last 10 months have been little full on and well lets just say not the happiest times. We have had some bad news in relation to dads health. He has an incurable illness and had/s to go through different treatment plans. It has been hard to see dad through this, but by the will of Allah he is a fighter. Our religion tells us that the smallest of pain (prick of a thorn even) is an expedition of ones sins. I personally would want to continue this pain & discomfort than suffer in the hereafter!

So, a death & coming to know your father has an incurable illness is pretty full on but more recently - July 25, 2012 we also lost our eldest brother, Yehya (Big Al)! He was the eldest of 6, 50 years of age and again one of the most awesome humans possible. Again, Allah wanted him back. Allah brings you into this world as He wills and takes you as He wills. 

The death of Big Al was a bit of a shock, well that is a lie.... a HUGE shock. The way I came to learn of his death was really ugly and those flashbacks are in my mind all the time. I still feel that I am in denial at times. Big Al had a bit of heart issue. He suffered 2 heart attacks, but even though he had this condition he wasn't SICK if that makes sense? This is still very fresh, even though it has been 6 odd weeks I still feel really strange about it all. I think this is the thing that bothers me the most. I am sad, don't get me wrong. I miss him terribly but I am a little numb about it all. Something tells me he is at ease now (insha'Allah) and gives me a bit of tranquility. He died in the blessed month of Ramadan which I believe is a mercy from Allah. Not only are the gates of Hellfire closed (May Allah grant us Jannah) but we are all in the zone and our faith levels are where they need to be!

I didn't see Big Al as much as I should have, but he knew how much I loved him. This is the joys of being a person of showing their feelings! We all get caught up in this pathetic world that prevents us from doing the things we SHOULD be doing. Is this bothering me the most? I honestly don't know.. I am pissed that I can't pin point how I feel. I can't even explain to people how I coped with it all. Do I get angry at myself for not being in tune with my emotions? Perhaps Allah is making it easy for me? Who knows and I probably never will but I had to get it off my chest!

I think today is probably my weakest day since his death. Big Al, worked at Mr M's school and today I was there for a P&C meeting. This is where I saw him most of the time. I just imagined that he would be there today. Expected to see him out the front talking to the other lads... Expected him to come and take Miss A and walk her around the school. I kept it strong but all I wanted to do was cry! There was also talks of an event that could take place that would involve the family and well picturing this event without him made me ill to my stomach! The pic wasn't pretty and well since then.. I've been on the flat. Wishing I spoke to him more often, wishing that we hung out more, wishing that the hurt my parents are suffering eases, wishing his children all the happiness in the world... I mean, to be honest... Today I am messed NUT!

Big Al/Mo - I miss you brothers! I can only hold onto the memories (and the one liners you both had :)) and pray that you are both at ease. I ask Allah to continue to gives us peace in our hearts and allow us to meet with our families in Jannah. I ask that Allah has mercy on the deceased and mercy on us. AMEEN!

Love Love

*huge sigh of relief*


Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Mini Me!!

Ohh, it feels good to be able to sit down and blog! Life has been a little busy the past couple of weeks. Had an unwell Miss A - joys of teething. She had an ear infection and was literally stuck to my hip. At the same time, I have no idea how, but I put my back out. I mean, why not... Nothing like looking after an unwell baby when you can barely move!! All this why trying to set up our wonderful little business - Modest Jewels. It was full on but insha'Allah we are on the mend.

Mr M has been my support lately. Growing into a young man. Soccer has been the flavour of the month and he has been putting in 100%. We bought him a professional football and he has been practicing non stop. He spends an additional 30 mins at the field with my brother after training, which I guess gives him that little bit more. His skills & concept of the game have really improved and as you can tell, I am proud as punch! People tell me, he is so much like me but until I analyse him in detail at times I can't see it. Read on for one of those times.... 

We were at a game on Saturday and the coach (who is SUPER may I add - his patience is unbelievable) was having a pep talk to the team. "OK boys & girls, we need to do more tackling, more passing and really have fun." He then talks to one of the key players on the team (who I have named the little Maradona!) and says "you need to pass the ball to your team mates buddy. I don't want you to score goals but help your friends in getting a goal." This was after this young lad had scored over 5 or 6 goals - I stopped counting. Then, up jumps Mr M and says, "coach, why would you tell him to stop scoring? It is because of him we are winning, we need to tell him to score more!" Coach replies, "Mr M, its not about winning or losing - it's about having fun and everyone getting a turn." Mr M responds, "That's not true coach, we need to play and win. We have to be good at everything we do. We have to be on top!" OK, so that was when I put my head down whilst smirking and out of the corner of my eye I can see the coach staring at me!! I could only respond by saying, "His mothers son?"

I am not sure if I was proud or embarrassed. Proud that he listens to me and the fact he wants to be successful but embarrassed that I don't encourage him just to have fun? I mean, I do but at the end of the day it is a game right? A game is made for winning? I have always been extremely competitive and want to be successful so would love for my children to have the same thought? Either way, expectations have been set and are very achievable. It's good to have goals right?? He has received an award a week at school since back this term & yesterday I received an 'encouragement letter' from school telling me of his key strengths.. You rock my world muffin!!

The more and more I see him interact and grow the more I see me in him.. Some my say O.M.G, but I think, how better is the world going to be???

Keep safe & don't forget to check out Modest Jewels.

Peace out..

Friday, 11 May 2012

Modest Jewels....

As I have mentioned previously, my ultimate goal is to set myself up with a business opportunity that will make me the millions (muhaha). No really, just something that will stay in the family for a while and keep us all busy and entertained. That business venture has yet to surface so in the meantime I have decided on something a little smaller but just as exciting.

Let me introduce to you - "Modest Jewels- Clothing & Accessories for the precious woman". Corny? We thought it was cute... !! (pls excuse shot of business card, best I could get it!)

Modest Jewels is a small online based business where we will try and provide you reasonably priced and stylish clothing. We also stock Islamic headwear, shoes & vintage accessories. Considering that I am an internet shopping junkie, it just felt right. 

This week was the first week we really kicked off. I joined forces with my niece and we are determined to give this a good run for its money. We have been designing styles, meeting suppliers and just preparing everything that is required to run our home business. 

It feels great to be back doing business. Even though it has just taken off, but the adrenalin has definitely kicked in. I have never been a huge fan of marketing, cause usually my skills sold themselves (true!) but I am liking it right now. It is something different for me and I really think this is going to take off!

We have our first open day/session happening on Monday and I can't wait to meet some new ladies. Really, have always been one to help others so am looking forward to styling some of these women and bring out the Jewel in them (get it?).

I am stressing out a little though as I have to ensure that my SAHM duties are also completed, but that is the beauty of working your own hours - I will just have to re-write my routine. That's ok, I have done it gazzillion times this year, one more time won't hurt.

Perhaps our label could be the next on the catwalk...? Anything is possible. Feel free to get your autographs now... They could be famous in the coming years!

Be sure to like our page on Facebook (Modest Jewels) and check out our range. I will be more than happy to assist you in anyway.... Would you like fries with that??

Take it easy and may the jewel be with you!!


Wednesday, 9 May 2012

To Fox or not to Fox?

I am currently going through the dilemma on whether or not I stop our subscription to Foxtel. 

Don't get me wrong, Fox has been great to me. The fact I can record my shows and watch them when the children are asleep gets me excited and makes me feel human but..... I have to sit back and think of the return on investment. 

Now that we are on one income, one must be a little smarter with how they spend their money - I want that dream home right? There are many things I can justify, but I just can't seem to do it with Fox. Yes, I watch my shows maybe 1-2 hours a day but most of that is recorded 'free to air channels'. I love the fact that I can fast forward the ads but does this justify $105 per month?

When you become a SHM (stay home mum), you are suppose to be up to date with the latest soap dramas, reality tv shows... right? I so wouldn't be a cool mum if I didn't know the latest on Jerseylicious or the 'Real Housewives of BH"???

I'm battling within myself, husband insists that it is pointless considering there are so many channels on free to air TV (which mind you, I had a digital antenna installed just in case I decided to flick the switch on Fox) and that such a small portion of our day is in front of the tele. Mr M is only allowed 30-45 mins a day after school and even he has lost interest in 'Dora' & 'Cat in the Hat!'. Miss A is still oblivious to it all and even if she wasn't, Playschool is on ABC!

Perhaps no Fox will get me more motivated to hit my 'I must accomplish' list quicker? Means I might not have any late night snacks with my tea whilst watching my recorded shows? Hmmmm.... I am tossing and turning.

I ask you... To Fox or not to Fox?


Sunday, 6 May 2012

Greener Grass?

Settling into this stay home mother/full time housewife role, it was time for me to branch a little further & start to expand my network. So finally, I took the plunge and had a morning coffee with some of the mothers from Mr M's school. I mean, I see them most mornings and afternoons so was able to get to know them a little so it was natural that this be the next step.

Off we trotted to the local McDonalds - don't be critical, it's just around the corner and seemed to be the right place. Have you checked out Maccas coffee lately? It was quite nice. Perhaps I've just lost my coffee palate?

Anywho, this coffee session was extremely refreshing. Not only was it something different but it was nice to hear about their lives, ways they handle things and really just a general catch up getting to know each other that little bit more.

After a few jokes and some conversations that shouldn't be repeated, we noticed a young lady sitting behind us. Young business like woman, sitting on her laptop. Earphones to her ears busily typing away - well so we thought. It brought back many memories for me. I use to be that woman (perhaps not at Maccas) but definitely in a coffee shop. Scheduling meetings, customer follow ups, scheduling time for shoe shopping...... ohhhhh!

Since we were a little giggly and perhaps loud (4 women trying to get a few words in) it was only polite to turn around and apologise. To our surprise this lass was eager to have a chat with us... As she joins our conversation, she throws in "oh I'd do anything to be in your shoes." Don't wish to hard muffin, cause I did the same thing all those years ago and wallaaa.... here I am!

Of course I have no regrets and I love my new role of having maccas coffee dates then to rush home only to cook, clean and prepare for the after school activities and to respond to the yells and screams..... But back then, grass always seemed greener on the other side....

Keep Safe

Thursday, 3 May 2012

What's cooking today?

To continue with the new found love & passion of cooking, a friend & I have created a new page on Facebook - "What's cooking today."

This page stemmed from dilemma and seeking ideas to create my 14 day menu and how easy would it be if you were just stuck on what to cook for the day? We all live such busy lifestyles that it would be awesome to be able to grab a recipe in one click!

This Facebook page will include all sorts of recipes, easy ones, more challenging ones and creative meals. We will have them sorted into segments; beef dishes, chicken dishes, fish dishes, vegetarian dishes, desserts etc so I am hoping it will appeal to all palates. 

Be sure to add this page & share with us some cool recipes that you think others will benefit from.

I personally can't wait to see some of these recipes, I will definitely share my attempts and hopefully positive outcomes with you all!

Hit LIKE now...

Love Love 

Humbled... Thank Allah!

Back to religion class yesterday and honestly, the inner peace I gain from these classes is phenomenal. May Allah bless our teacher who endures much patience to put up with us all. Her knowledge is amazing, may she be rewarded for sharing this & allowing us to become better Muslims.

After the lesson, which is in two segments; one about the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the other segment is about 'life after life', off I go to share my new found knowledge with my husband. Mind you, thank Allah he is rather educated and can add a little more to it to give me that extra knowledge. So with my 'I think I'm cool hat' on, I relay my learnings. We speak about our Prophet (pbuh) and the characteristics he possessed and all of a sudden I become extremely teary. As we know, it doesn't take me much to shed a tear or two but when it comes to religion it just seems to be that much deeper. Why was I teary? Not only because I want to be a better Muslim but because of two other reasons. One, a story my husband was telling me. Without going into detail (in case I get it wrong and that ain't a good thing) but the meaning to this story was the love the Prophet (pbuh) is unbelievable. I quote from my husband "Your mother does not love you a third of what the Prophet (pbuh) does." I mean, what?! This noble, humble, pious man has love for all of his people. He didn't want to die until he received confirmation from Allah (swt) that he will look after his people (ummah). How unselfish is that? These days, no one wishes well upon their own sibling/friend let alone the whole ummah!

The 2nd was a statement made by our teacher, "No calamity you are faced with will compare to the calamities that the Prophet (pbuh) was faced with." Can you believe this? Here we are crying over the fact we can't afford that lavish car or house yet this noble man suffered more than we can imagine and never lost faith!

This truly hit home with me. More so because I am a mother and have extreme love for my 2 children and I hear it is not a third of the love this great man has for us. The only man that will vouch for us on the day of judgement. Every other person will be seeking forgiveness for themselves and the greatest man to live will seek Paradise for you. Truly, it humbled me. Humbled me to become a better Muslim. To do everything for the sake of Allah.

This may not relate to all of my readers, but if only I could inspire you to research this great prophet (pbuh) and let's start acting the way he did. Let us implement some of his character and what a beautiful place the world will become!

I am very pleased to be obtaining such knowledge and hoping it makes me a better Muslim to get me to a better life after this life!!

Loving you all for the sake of Allah 
M x

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

What's on your menu?

Last night I created a 14 day menu to make my life that tad more easier. I tried to spice it up by putting a variety of multicultural dishes into the menu. I think it looks quite exotic - not to mention healthy.

Today was the my first day and I can honestly say, my anxiety levels were decreased. It is strange, because I knew exactly what I wanted to cook the day just seemed to run smoothly. Don't get me wrong, I didn't complete everything I wanted to but I was quite calm. Dinner was made (lunch for my husband) and whatever came after that I was cool with it.  I am hoping to also save myself a buck or two doing this way.. That family home needs to come by year end right?!

Structure is important for me and today I realised it was the thing that I really missed in my life. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely versatile and can adapt to all situations (that felt like I was writing my CV) but it is nice to know what could potentially happen when. 

Back in the good ol' working days, I remember checking my calendar in the morning and knowing just what was planned gave me that inner peace. My menu has done the same. It will also allow me to showcase my hidden cooking talents and be creative.. Might have to find me self the ultimate apron to ensure I play the part correctly!

I would also love to hear of any recipes or dishes that you recommend. As this is an ongoing thing, I am going to be looking for some exciting dishes to try.

I wonder how these wonderful people can just play it hour by hour. I mean, I look at my mum. The most versatile woman in the world (thats not the only awesome quality she has but we will leave that for another time). Mum didn't need a menu nor a routine, guess I didn't inherit that trait considering I'm on the other end of the scale.

Then we have my husband. I find it strange with him. He spent most of his life at boarding school and as we would all know, boarding school has structure like you wouldn't believe. They allocate exactly the time you eat and if you don't you miss out! Fair to say, that trait didn't continue.... Thank God he has me in his life to keep him together ;).

On another note, back to religion class tomorrow. Aim is not to miss any further classes and tick off a task to achieve that personal satisfaction.... Can't wait, am very excited!

Til next time...
Love Love

Monday, 30 April 2012

Home Made vs Take Away - Who won?

I have finally given in. I am beginning to show signs of a house wife...

Saturday afternoon, husband had gone fishing (some of us have the luck) and here I was at home with the kidlets thinking of what to make for dinner. I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity for take out, but you won't believe I opted otherwise.

I mean, we all know that Pizza is the ultimate take out meal that one rarely makes right? Well.... I was determine to change this. I was going to bake some home made pizzas. OK, they won't be wood fired, but none the less - they'll be divine. There were only a few ingredients in the house to make my perfect pizzas, but that didn't deter me. Off to Woolies I drove to pick up the rest of the items.

I thought I'd make a variety of toppings (considering my brothers popped in as unexpected guests who I of course convinced to dine with me). Prawn & Vegetables, BBQ Chicken & Vegetables, Gourmet Vegetarian and well the final one was left overs of all the others... Bit of a "BITSA" really.... 

There I stood in the kitchen, dressing these pizzas. Oven on, kids screaming & playing, brothers watching the footy (looked like a scene from a movie to be honest) and I was content. 

Dinner was served and everything was a hit!! Kids were happy, adults were happy & my kitchen was a bomb! 

I sat down after dinner and the following thoughts popped into my mind:

This time last year......

- I wouldn't be home on a Saturday night unless one of us weren't well
- 9481 1111 was on speed dial if we required pizzas
- I would cry if I had cleaned my house and then it was hit with a bomb afterwards
- Me cook for my brothers? Pfft, I am the baby of this family, I should be cooked for!

O.M.G - I have become that typical housewife. The one my mother thought it was never in us (sister included here).

Can you believe that I did not pick up the phone and made it all so convenient?  One phone call, 45 mins later it would have been done. Not to mention the cleaning way would be disposing the boxes into the recycling bin. But I chose to actually make the effort to get out, pick up the items and make a home made pizza? Who does that seriously?

We won't mention that before I left I looked up the recipe for Madeira cake as it's husbands favourites and thought I'd grab the ingredients whilst I am out... Look at that ah? Traits of that housewife, husbands dream about (OK, OK, maybe I took it to far) but definitely on the road... You never know, I could one day run a tv program "Housewives of SWS", who's in?!

Keep Safe

PS: I have made mental note reminders to take pictures but I just keep forgetting... I will tho moving forward, I will!

Thursday, 26 April 2012


Over the past few days, I have done much reflecting. A fair bit has happened so it was time to sit back and really assess what is going on. I mean, yes it is very difficult having to share my time with 3 others but I put pen to paper (well really fingers to keypads) and off I went. Thought about life, what I have achieved, what I have been through. Funny enough, I was revisiting my recent scars that are with me forever; my 2 caesareans and my cholecystecomy and I thought wow, I am getting older! 10 years ago, I would be like pffttt surgery/scars? Nah that won't be happening to me. But I wear them with pride, someone who is a realist living life!

With all this time on my hands, it was time to make life a little more exciting for both myself and family. I mentioned in previously blogs that I will make a list of things I want to personally achieve and give myself that personal direction my brain is acquired to and currently yearns.  I am only publishing it as a motivator to ensure they are achieved so pleased don't judge me. I won't put a timeline on them, as you just don't know what life will throw at us but I am committed to accomplish... 

Here goes (note, in no particular order)...

1. Enrol next semester at OPEN university in order to complete my teaching degree.
2. Learn the Arabic language in detail (reading and writing)
3. Continue to learn and understand my religion in detail and implement all learnings. Mainly through lectures & personal reading materials
4. Start to exercise (walk) to get my back and health where they need to be
5. Ensure I see my friends at least once a month - life is too short!
6. Start planning for baby number 3.... (bahahah, thought I'd throw in a bit of humour)
7. Be an active member of Mr M's school. Actively involve with the PnC and help the school to be a better place for our children
8. Buy the 'family dream home' by end of 2012... We can do it!
9. Lead some sort of non profit organisation to help the less fortunate
10. Continue the search to find the ultimate business adventure
11. Blog more about my cooking experiences and share pics of my wonderful dishes I achieve...

All of this I am hoping to achieve whilst being the super cool mum/wife that I am :) and to love and serve my parents and family to the best I can!!

I can do this, I know I can!!! My motivational pic.

Peace to y'all
M xxx

Wednesday, 25 April 2012


OK, so it's not even 8:00am and I am totally done!! Not done in finishing my chores but done (over it all!). Miss A has been awake since 4.30am and has chosen not to abide by anything I implement. Jumperoo equals loud squeals, bouncer equals non stop screaming whilst the baby swing equals nothing but chaos!! Nothing seems to be working! She has been fed, changed, soothed, loved..... She just wants to sit happily on my lap! She is that tired that her eyes have become half the size yet she refuses to sleep.

Then we have Mr M who decided he is going to wake up with a bit of 'tude this morning, I mean why not.... join the club! Refusing to listen, fakes a cry to trigger his sister, won't leave her alone and the 'you don't love me' lines have come out this morning.

Do you know how much I need to do today? I have loads and loads of washing, vacuuming and mopping and preparing food for Miss A. Thank God for online shopping - eased the stress of one chore.

Perhaps our family is adapting to the change of inlaws no longer staying with us. I mean, it has put me off a little and feeling lost so perhaps it has had an impact on the children? Or maybe there's a full moon lurching? Husband got home from work at 4am so no chance I can even get him to help with the  commotion.. Maybe I will just load them in the car and drive around and forget what needs to be done? Either way, it's days like today I truly miss the office!!

Hope y'all have a better start to the day than I have!!


Sunday, 22 April 2012

Af's Bash....

Exhausted I am, cause of the fab day we had! Today, I held a luncheon in my wonderful husband - Dr M.A.Khan's honour. Three reasons for the gathering; Firstly to thank Allah for allowing him to be successful and be thankful of everything in our lives. Secondly to congratulate him on finally make it and thirdly beautiful opportunity for the family to get together before my inlaws fly out on Tuesday. 

I made it easier on myself by deciding to have the lunch catered for (by Rouba's Home-Made Lebanese Food) and having it in our local picnic spot. This spot is pretty special to our family, we have had a many events at this exact location. One in particular was Mr M's first birthday party... Wow, almost 6 years ago. 

Anywho, packed the few essentials we needed and headed off to hang out for the day. It was such an exciting day, all were there with their high spirits on.

Today my aim was to relax and gain as many family pics as possible (of me, husband and children)... Neither went as well as planned. As much as I love hosting an event, it takes a lot out of you. Miss A was in a mood, Mr M was doing his own thing and I wanted to ensure everyone was happy and eating... You know, I wouldn't be Lebanese if I didn't make y'all over eat! I honestly thought this time that I had catered accordingly. In the past, we have had left overs for over a week so I was determined today would be different. Pffttt, that was another fail! Not only do I have 3 large trays of food but all but 1 or 2 people took food with them. Least no one has to cook tomorrow, right?

Atmosphere was nice, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I was pretty pleased with myself today as everyone in my family attended. It was just beautiful to have everyone together.

After indulging in the wonderful food that was catered for us, it was time for cake cutting (made by Oula-la-Cakes) and speeches. Ohh I wish my tears didn't roll like they do! We had some beautiful people say some wonderful things. Many duaa's (prays) took place and we all felt extremely humbled. I had a brother share some beautiful words for my husband, including the proudness from the whole family and my father in law finished by thanking my family for being so warm and welcoming. "We will keep this experience in our memories for ever".. Quote Unquote (FIL)

Cake was beautiful and fair to say it was so big that half of the picnic area was given some pieces. I mean, why shouldn't we share the love right? Better them than my hips!!

I truly am so proud of my husband, words can not describe it. I hope his career is blessed and full of happiness and self satisfaction. I hope he enjoyed his day as much as I enjoyed putting it together for him. I know he reads my blogs now and then so honey - love you!!

We are now all absolutely exhausted. Kids are in bed, inlaws are on their way and time for me to sip my tea and just catch up on my Facebook goss.

Here is an attempt of a family pic......

Can't wait to organise my next event..

Peace out 

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Family Ties....

Can I just start off by saying how honoured I feel?! When I first started this blog I didn't expect many people to be interested, it was more of my need for stimulation, however how different it is turned out. I can't  believe the interest I have had. I truly love the messages and posts asking for more.. I mean, all this attention isn't to good for my ego but hey I promise I won't allow it to change who I am! I mentioned to my husband the requests I have had for my blog and told him he has to step it up if he wants to continue to roll with the 'cool peeps'! Seriously though, thank you for following my blog x.

As you can see by the title of this blog, this is all about family... Why you ask? Well as you know, my husbands parents are visiting from Pakistan at the moment and for the past 2 months our house has been full on. Don't get me wrong, it has been an absolutely blast having them stay with us it's just that life has been full on. You know, you take advantage of the fact that you have family at arms reach. I have learnt this more so over the past couple of days. Due to issues with their tickets, unfortunately the inlaws are unable to extend their stay as they first thought they could. They will be flying out on Tuesday (God willing). When they told me of the news, I was really gutted. More for my husband than for me. I mean, my parents are around the corner. I can pop in and see them whenever I can where he will have to travel over 18 hours to say g'day. Not to mention this may only happen once or twice a year if he is super lucky. As I watch him interact with this parents tonight, my heart breaks more. I let the tear roll now and then. How important our are parents? You know, in my religion (Islam for those who aren't aware) there is a huge emphasis on the parents. The rewards you receive for looking after them, caring for them & not having them disappointed in you. By my inlaws visiting, I think my husband has really drawn some strength. He seems more confident in his actions, his persona and not to mention he finally nailed that medical exam! I am really sad for him! Some might think it is the decision he made to live away from his homeland once he fell in love with me (I mean, lets be frank - who wouldn't :)) but it doesn't make it any easier the fact that it could be 12 months before he can see his parents face to face. Tuesday will be tough on us, a few tears will be shed but I know we will get through it..

I am truly grateful for having my family so near. I am blessed to have wonderful parents, cool brothers & an extraordinary sister. Not to mention their off springs. An awesome family we have. As crazy as we all are, we all come together nicely. Whatever Allah has installed for us (positive and negative) we tackled it head first. Currently my father is undergoing treatment to smack this ridiculous cancer in his bowel on the head. It is a struggle for such an older man to undergo such treatment. He is a battler though, he won't give up easily! It just makes you realise how much more we should value our time together. On the 25th May, it will mark my brothers 6 year anniversary since his death. He is forever in my thoughts and trust that he is now with Allah and very much at ease. My brother & I had a cool kinda relationship, we got on beautifully. There are times that I wish I did more for him, but deep down he knew how much I love him. Can't wait for the day we meet again.

Today I watched Ms A drool over her brother. It seems she is in awe of him. Her face lights up when she sees him. He is the only one that can make her laugh out loud by just saying 'peak a boo!' He too is fascinated (sometimes an annoying fascination). He tells me that she loves him and vice versa because he use to speak to her in my stomach. They have this connection at such a young age. I truly hope this continues and they stay as strong as ever throughout their life - as a parent that would be my ultimate dream.

I am a little in touch with my emotions tonight. I have made a commitment to myself not to take advantage of those that others crave. I will make the extra effort with my family; parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins and my gorgeous friends which are an extended part of my family. I'll even go out and make sure the family ties with my husbands family are as strong as they need to be. Please, I ask you all do the same...

Love for you all!!


Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Ring Ring...

It's been almost 12 odd years since I have held a mobile service in my name - well one I had to pay for anyway. The good ol' T issues me with a phone in 2000 and I haven't looked back since, well until today!! Yes, it's taken a while but my mobile service has been transferred into my name. I am the official owner of my mobile number and to be honest, I don't like the feeling. The feeling that I now have another bill to pay whilst on one income, doesn't really make me smile. I can dwell on it or better still not have the mobile so best I keep quiet for now..

Part of the experience was to upgrade my plan and whilst I am at it, upgrade my husbands phone. I mean, it was only fair. He upgraded his service back in November and gave me the device so as thoughtful and sweet as I am, time for me to return the favour (mind you, he was on my back about it for months!). Bless Bruce from T, he got me sorted and transferred the number so it was time to go into a shop and select my plan, device & contract. So in a go, with my two little munchkins. (Before I continue, I just want to let y'all know that I started off in a shop just like this one - so I know what it should deliver.) Anywho, in we walk and have a quick look around. Mr M was right into the devices and Miss A was just finding her mouth with her fingers. I wait for a free consultant and over he wonders. Quite a pleasant chap, wouldn't say the greatest of consultants but hey we will give him a go. Talked him through my requirements - though I am certain he wasn't listening. Asked about my usage and advises he will check it out on the system. When I told him, not possible as service was just transferred he just continued about writing the number down - CLEARLY not listening. 

He finally works it all out, gives me the best plan option and the process begins - but hold on, he hands me to another lady. Whilst he is 'handing' over, he asks me "oh thats right, your company transferred the service yeh? what was that company?" Like seriously dude, I told you 3 times that its the company you work for!!!! With a smile, he continued to hand over. Could this possible get worse? Absolutely!! This chick was seriously bad. I mean, not a little bad... a lot bad!! Who taught her customer service? Did she do the same training courses I did? Is she following the new 'customer first' campaign, surely not. She took the information from Mr T (won't disclose names - cause thats just not ethical) and went about her work. Did she acknowledge me? Did she make the small talk that she needed to make? Ummm no! Gave me a look or two, told my son thats how the system worked (when clearly I told him the same thing) and typed away. Time to sign paperwork - she ran through what was required and said if you are happy, sign here. Me: "Sign here if I am happy with the T's & C's or service?" Ms D: "No just the T's & C's". Did she not get it? Can lead a horse to water, but can't make it drink, right?!! Least I have a very pleased husband!

The whole point to this was to explain that again I had some mixed emotions. Was I glad that I didn't have to manage that type of 'poor' customer service or was I sad that I don't get to make a difference and turn this chick from Ms 'tude to Ms cool? 

I'll just ponder on that thought for a few more days as I am sure the feeling will subside.

Some positive notes:
* Husband and I both have new phones (yes, made a trip to Penriff today and had it replaced - that was another experience of its own) and loving them!
* Husbands 'congrats' lunch is all organised and ready to rock n roll. Nice to be in control of something other than feed & bath time :)
* Was again complemented by a few peeps on my weight loss, justification for that chocolate egg looking at me!

Peace at to y'all

Monday, 16 April 2012

Sore Spot... HIT!

Husband and his parents took a field trip the city today - to do a bit of sight seeing so I took the opportunity to have some quality time with my children and catch up with some family. Thought I'd be the good wife and ensured I was home once they returned. Wanted them to think I was slaving over the stove all afternoon if only those damn left overs hadn't given it away. We sat down to have a very late lunch and MIL tells me she saw the building I use to work in. I mean it wouldn't be hard to miss, its a landmark - I use to work there :). She prodded a few more questions and finished by asking me if I would like to return to work. I thought about it for a minute and I just couldn't respond. I had this lump in my throat. What the? I was getting all worked up about it. I just shook my head and pretended there was something in my eye. I started to feel a little sad. Was I sad because I want to go back to the crazy part of Sydney with all the hustle and bustle? Did I really want my old job back?  Did I miss the people I work with? Was I just craving that me time? I am not quite sure what it was but I had to snap out of it very quickly. Am I going to respond like this every time someone mentions Telstra?

For the rest of the afternoon I continued to think about why I got so worked up. I don't really want to leave the house at 6.30am every day, get the children ready for school/childcare, pretend to like people that you really couldn't stomach, come home after a big day and have to cook, clean and prepare for the next day. So what is it..........?  Y'all might laugh when I tell you, but it is a hard adaptation.. I know my children/family need me but it's kinda different. Don't laugh but "It is my need to succeed!!" I need to feel like I have accomplished something daily - more of a personal achievement. You know? Closed a huge sale, change a process, launch a new product?!! 

I had to collect myself this afternoon and put everything back into perspective.. I am a pretty cool mum & pretty good at this SAH stuff (self confirmed) so decided I will set some time aside (tomorrow night) and set some personal goals that Ima gonna achieve!! I have a few in mind, but just need to pencil them and set a date.. If I am game enough, might even share them with you all. Some might be small, others right up there.... Watch this space!

Funny though, husband and I were havin' a chat this evening and he told me that he wants to go and complete another Masters degree. I thought great, if thats what you want. Then his finishing comment was, "yeh and as I will be working, you will have to complete my assignments for me. You did say you wanted mental stimulation right?"... Here I was thinking, he never listens to me!!!

So, today was the first time I felt someone really hit the 'sore spot'. No doubt overtime it will heal....


Saturday, 14 April 2012

Player of the match - 'big headed mumma!'

OK OK, so here I am sitting down to write todays blog. Yes, I made it through Mr M's first real soccer game and nope, I was not arrested. I wasn't even given dirties by the opposition so I was definitely in my glory...

Excitement built for us all morning. My son was off to play his first competition game and I just was just hoping he would rock it! We get there a little early and we watch a few other games, my anxiety kicks in and I start to feel sick... This is ridiculous! 9.40am rolled around and finally we had kick off.. Let me tell you, what a kick off it was! These kids were all over the ball and it just wasn't going anywhere. I could see our team tire and we hadn't even started yet. My vocals weren't used to much in the first half as I had to assess the situation. Needed to learn the players number and really get my mojo on! Mr M had a shocking first half. He was kicking the ball into space, tackles were limited, no goals were scored. All I could think was ohhh super! Here I am, proud as punch and he didn't even get a goal in! I was really feeling flat, how could this be. Surely my son can do this?!! Mr M spent first 10 mins of 2nd half on the bench... Back in my day, the good ol' bench warmers were very uncool! I thought to myself, thats it ... nothing can turn this game around. Mr M was then called on to sub another poor sod who could barely walk... He seemed to come back with an overwhelming amount of energy. He was onto it now and there I was at the sideline, walking the field and directing the team. 'Up the field boys, big kick, tackle, chase the ball, thats it, nice try, go Hinchinbrook go!' were the main words/sentences I used today and they worked. Within mins Mr M had scored his first goal. You beautttttyyyyy!! I look over to the inlaws and there was the FIL jumping for joy. Few mins past and goaaaaalllll! You guessed it, he did it again... Time ticked and before you know it, I have no voice and Mr M has scored his 3rd goal.. My head started to pound as I was screaming so loudly. I do think the boys on the team now know who I am.. Betchya they are thinking, poor Mr M, you seen his psyco mother? Don't really care cause it worked! My boy scored 3 goals on his first game - ohhhh it was nice!

End of game comes and I ask coach what the final score was... "We don't keep tally, its just a friendly draw".. WTH, no scores? Friendly draw? Get outta here, I am a competitive woman dammit.. My son needs to win. I need to know. Coach smiles at me and with that I knew that I had to accept no scores - I will keep my own next time ;)! Teams shake hands and coach calls them over for a bit of a debrief. Tells them how proud he is and decides to announce player of the match who gets to keep the trophy for a week.... "Today this trophy will go my friend who made some great tackles, good kicks and even scored some goals.... Well done, M..." Sorry, who?? M it's you... O.M.G, my son one player of the match for his first official game.. Opposition definitely heard my voice. Go M, you rock my sweetheart! From I think I have to write you off as a soccer player to player of the match - chuffed I am.. Move out of my head space please peeps!!

I realised today, I am quite grateful for being a stay home mum. I get to watch my kids to activities, take them places and generally guide them through life. I have to stop looking at the negatives and enjoy the positives..

After the game and gloating of all that took place, we head off to have lunch with my BFF near the water.. It was nice to unwind considering my throat was starting to itch. Kids enjoyed themselves and the men went out to sea for some fishing - lovely afternoon to finish off a fab day.

I spoke about iggle piggle yesterday and let me tell you, today it was the best thing since sliced bread. We did 4 odd trips today and Miss A begun to become unsettled in all of them, but as soon as iggle came on - she was as quite as a mouse. Not to mention that she slept in each trip... My new friend, Iggle!!

I shall leave you with a quote that I vow to live by... “To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today”- Anonymous

'til next time - peace out 

Friday, 13 April 2012

Another date for the diary.....

Thank Allah, today was such a different day to yesterday!! Yes I am still tired, sleep deprived and out of routine but today - who cares!!! Today is the day that God willing is going to make a change moving forward for our family. My wonderful husband who is a fully qualified doctor in Pakistan received news that he has passed his exam to be able to practice here in Australia. Yep, you read right - finally Dr Khan will be able to practice in Oz.. Oh the cheer enjoyment. This means a few things to us.... Security, assurance, flexibility but most importantly it will bring satisfaction. My husband has a passion of helping people and here is his chance to fulfil his passion. Don't get me wrong, taxi driving earnt him some dollars here and there but I am certain he won't be sad to wave goodbye. Not too soon tho, he still has a few more months before he will be fully registered so.........  taxi anyone? :) I am so proud that I have begun organising a big bash for him. Ohhhhh excitement!

Little Miss A still is ruling the world. I was able to get in a few bites to eat with dear friends today but literally that was what it was - a few bites. It is so cool to hang with people that are real and tell it how it is... Motherhood is challenging and I love how we keep it real. Iggle Piggle (The Night Garden) became a new hit in our car today... Thanks to the CD from Aunty E - we fell asleep on the way home without the non stop screaming. Oh its something that will be kept in the car 24/7. Not sure how Mr M is going to handle that, should be fine.

Other than the wonderful news we received today, no mental stimulation took place. It will happen, I mean it has to happen right? I worked in a telco company for 13 years mainly with mobiles and today was asked to download something in iTunes and I was like.... huh? How do I do that? Can you believe it...? Brain is totally out of order!!

Tomorrow is that first soccer game I have been longing for.. If you hear of any arrests in the hood for a psyco mother on the soccer field - don't be surprised if it's me..

Time to sign out... take it easy and as Iggle would say .... ummmm, I can't quote it cause I was to busy enjoying the peace!


Thursday, 12 April 2012

Just one of THOSE days.....

Today, was just one of those days. You know nothing wanted to go right. My motivation levels are at a bit of a low atm and really I can only put it down to the minimal sleep that I am getting. Miss A has decided that she wants to rule the rules and it seems to be working. This will all change, once she isn't get the extra attention from the in-laws who are visiting us at the moment from Pakistan. I will show her who is boss (I hope!)..

So motivation levels are down, everything seem to bother me and then I hear of an article that my FIL had read.. A boy decided to take his own life as he came from a family who was unable to supply him with a uniform. Can you believe it? A UNIFORM!! This family who were struggling to meet their daily needs were unable to provide this child with a uniform for the school he was attending. I will add that the school accepted this child without having to pay any tuition fees as they understood the family situation - there are still some generous people out there. I can not for the life of me get this out of my head. A child (11 years of age) did not want to live anymore as he was unable to be provided with a uniform and thought this death is better for him - may Allah have mercy on him. Let's be real, these days there are children who fight with us as parents to not wear their  uniform. They think uniform is uncool and daggy and will do anything not to wear it. This child just wanted a uniform! He wasn't interested in the latest DS game or an iPad - just wanted a measly uniform!! I feel so humbled by this experience. It really hit me hard.. How we take things for granted? Why do I insist that my son & daughter have to have matching shoes for their outfits? I have forgotten about the less fortunate and become so caught up in my own little world.. Time for this to change. I want to install in my children the importance of appreciating what we have and how to help others who are less fortunate. This has further motivated me to set up an organisation to further help those in need. It is hard to determine those who would fit in the 'poor' category in Australia as we have a solid government to assist but I will work on ways to make lives easier - I hope. Does anyone know of an area that requires attention? Perhaps even holiday activities for those who are unable to afford extravagance..? Let me know if there is something that you feel our communities are missing!!

School holidays are here, so no real structure happening at the moment. We are playing everything by ear and its getting quite frustrating for me. I long for routine, I will get it again, I WILL!

Time for me to sign out and catch up on some of shows that I seem to miss out on lately. Thank goodness for Fox IQ - keeps me a little sane..

PS: Little Miss tried pumpkin today for the first time - she loved it. Least it is one win for the day!

Sweet dreams

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

A memorable day.....

It is till quite early in our household this morning and whilst little Miss A settles down for a morning nap (considering she was up @ 5am!) I thought I'd get a quick blog in. Yesterday was too busy for me to even get a chance to hop online - thank God for FB on your phone! The biggest adaptation I have had to have is that I have dependants 24/7 and no break time as a I please. Gone are the times I can have a tea in peace, catch up on the news or even speak to my mother without 100 interruptions. Even the most stressful days at work, I was able to go to the ladies without being followed! Anywho, let's not dwell too much on that today.

Yesterday was an exciting day for us! Little Miss A got her ears pierced. Many a times I would receive comments 'oh how old is your son?' or 'isn't he cute?'.. So this was exciting for me. I would have done it earlier however I had to wait for my BFF to build up the courage as her daughter (who is only 3 months older than Miss A) was having her ears done at the same time. It was a day to note in our diaries. They were absolutely gorgeous together. A few tears followed by a few hugs and walaa - our little girls actually looked like little princesses! Oh the smiles - from us anyway!

The events didn't stop after that from cooking, to cleaning, to soccer training. Mind you, I have always wanted to be a 'soccer mum' but at 6pm in winter with a  5 month old - not pretty. Husband has started night shift so its gonna get tough. Mr M has his first soccer game this weekend and I am too excited. When I told him I will be cheering him on down the sideline his expression was priceless! 'Are you going to scream my name mum?' 'Absolutely' I replied. 'Oh please don't, cause that is embarrassing!' Well little does he know, I have been hanging for these games and I will be there at half time with the oranges and barely no voice... GO M GO!!

I have put on my cooking apron lately and have really wanted to grow my cooking skills. Bless my mother (mind you who is the best cook in the world) for her patience with me. I managed to whip up 'shish barak' yesterday which for those who don't know is a dough filled with meat cooked in a yoghurt based sauce - absolutely divine. I have to admit, the result was pretty impressive. In-laws liked it, which is always a hit - such a gorgeous DIL they have... Especially after they tasted my chocolate cake for dessert :)!

I also learnt a lesson yesterday. Yes, some of you might think oh seriously Merv, you should have known that ages ago, but  I am a little naive at times - I like to see the good in things but I will take it in my stride!

Anywho, today is a new day and am hoping to learn something a little more rewarding. I have been reading lately of so many who are less fortunate than ourselves. My aim is to help these groups a little bit more, or even set up something of my own to help such woman through hardship.. Let's see how that thought pans out...

I'm outta here to continue my day, 'til next time.... Mx

Monday, 9 April 2012

I'm here, I made it!

Well here I am finally!! I have been contemplating on whether I should be blogging or not and I have finally taken the plunge and thought... 'lets do it!' I have to admit, I am a little bit nervous having it been my first time so please, be gentle on me...

I decided that I am in desperate need of mental stimulation. Some might be thinking why? Well I have gone from a full time working mother with over 15 odd years of experience to a 'stay home mother of 2'. The longest time I spent away from work was a 4 month period when my boy was born in 2006. 

Work was a HUGE part of my life. I worked for a solid organisation that I have to admit was extremely good to me. I met some wonderful people, made some life long friends and was truly inspired by some really awesome leaders. I was with this organisation for over 13 years so held various roles. Majority of these roles were in management. I managed many different sales teams & operations teams and let me assure you, it was such an honour to have these people work with me. I know this might sound a little vain, but we rocked it. My teams were always highly motivated and just a dream to work with. Fair to say, my career with this organisation was bliss - I am actually getting a little teary thinking of the days! This journey ended when I left in Oct '11.. Off to have baby number 2 and hopefully not look back!

I am now into my 6th month off work and I can feel the itch in my feet.. My heart tells me I am doing the right thing by staying home for my babies, but my brain decides it wants to disagree. I am very fortunate that right now at this stage in life, I have the privilege of being able to stay home with my children - I know many don't have this chance. So, rather than throw the towel in on the 'stay home mother' gig, I thought I'd give the brain a working through something online - alas my Blog!!

I have named my blog - 'BITSA'. Really, because you will read "bits of this and bits of that." I will probably talk through some of my days activities, new hobbies I hope to take up, some of my religious findings and ways that I intend to better strengthen and help those in need. I am also looking into a new working venture so will talk you through that too! I will no doubt take you also through some of the emotions I am experiencing, especially when things just aren't going my way (you will soon learn that I am a bit of a control freak!)

I hope to blog daily, if not every other day. There might be times that I need some advice, so would love for you to give me your 2c worth (as long as it isn't nasteee!) 

I have updated my profile, so you can read a little about me and my family...

I now feel quite excited to have begun this journey, heres hoping it is what my brain needs!

'til next time, take care - Mervet x